0:29 / 6:35 Clip #38, Lithium battery step-up generator, mad science
YouTube location: https://youtu.be/PRtVFozFoJw
I have a 12 v Lithium deep cell pack setup to run an electric motor, which turns a DC generator that charges a four-cell 12 V battery pack. The four-cell 12 v was first drained to 9 v and the deep cell was 12.11 v, and after charging the four-cell 12 v to 12.13 v, the deep cell was at 12.09 v. Just a fun lab I set up in my room to play with voltage and see how I can build a battery pack charger. Lab project I decided to build while working on projects in CA, down near the Bay. I hope you enjoy :)
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This Lithium battery charger is a step-up generator
I would like to get a Patent on this, and with additional money, create a fully functioning unit that can be sold to people looking to convert to clean energy, which can be used to charge their battery banks for a low cost. I am working on the schematic.