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Hello and Welcome to the official "Sun Fruit Dan" BitChute channel which used to be a very successful Youtube channel before getting banned to extreme censorship on that video platform.

The main focuses of the videos on this channel are on how to safely and correctly use Turpentine, MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), MMS2, Castor oil, Methylene Blue, Lugols Iodine, Activated charcoal, Ivermectin, SSKI, etc to detoxify the body of many toxic things whilst also simultaneously healing many different health issues and conditions.

I also talk extensively about the scientific studies done on each of these things, the benefits of them, and much more.

My Official Sponsors Website For Turpentine, Methylene Blue, etc:

Would you like a free 15 minute health consultation with Sun Fruit Dan? If so you can sign up for this with him and find more information about this by clicking the link provided: