Zombie Apocalypse
The Nasal Swab is shoved to the back of your nasal cavity where the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER is .. this is a thin membrane that protests the brain. We have found that on the swabs themselves there are nano particulates known as smart dust and Thera-grippers. These Thera-grippers attach themselves to the nasal tissue and can release drugs or pathogens. Developed by Michael Bloomberg's John Hopkins University.
Johnny Exodice 30 minutes ago
What happens to all our NON-MASON human dead on this side of FLAT EARTH by these {G4S} U.N. Troops in our Police and Military known as FREE MASON Lodge Members and what their Children do [too we] QBALLS~ /_\ their FELLOW CITIZEN nonmason populations of GENTILES in all (U.N. Flags) on this side of the Celestial Sphere.?.?.?
This is what happens too all our NON-MASON "missing" HUMANS by way of FREE MASON C.O.P.S. with that {U.S. WAR FLAG} on their CARS and other items...
The Society of nonmason~ #TheCrewRRR [{**}]
Just so youm know… THEY Perfected the {3D Printed Veggies} +=+ in MENTAL WARDS and Prisons and Jails during JADE HELM 15…. I know cause I was A [#1013] as they call them in Georgia USA known as (RED FLAG LAWS) into a Holding Recovery Center, and yup!!!! I am not eating anything unless I know “The” nonmason {Owner of the Bar} to Restaurant and Meat Producers…. AND yes when you get taken to JAIL or Prison you are Feed DOG FOOD and CAT FOOD as your Meat Treat!!!
The Commander~ † ∞ Ω Σ