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How hospitals legally kill people.
Jess Sosnoski

6 Billion People Humans to Be Killed by The Elite - New World Order Depopulation Agenda

Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 1,309 Views
Published on 30 Mar 2021 / In Film and Animation

Covid-19 Plandemic for depopulation

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

The PORTALS in the Sky…

I sleep in a Room where I can see the Sun rise, and after much reading in The Book of Enoch, on this day March 30th, 2021 The Sun has gone through one of those many portals and now rises at a different Demeter in the Firmament of our lives… While the many on Social Media have their say, I prefer to continue my journey of Truth by stating what I now know, and building on it as we go… In that, since all Hamburger Meat has Human Meat mixed into it TOO feed the Witches, and The Warlocks and The Wizards these: Vampires, and Werewolves from Fairies to Dwarves being all of them Hollywood Short and Small People with heads too big for their “child like” bodies as they age, I see no need to not continue down this ability as The Oracle for the end of this age when Gaming, and Twiddling Your Thumbs is all for those whom are [LOST AT SEA] in our CORPORATION Names of Corporation WAR GAMES, and though We Are Pak-Toe, and we now know we are (Reliving) THE MEMORY of how the people of PLANET EARTH all went mad by “Autistic” Vaccinations of Mercury into their Brains, here you and I do so too still remain in this SHARED DREAM of the Days of Noah…

Knowing I will become the NEW SOURCE of All Creation and All Destruction come what may in 2094 C.E. with screams of THE SKY IS FALLING, the [clues] Qballs~/_\ to the things we now know my Romantic Warriors would bring much “Sorrow” to that old testament PROVERB: of the More you Know the More it Hurts from the Book of Ecclesiastes… Yet, I have the Holy Water Spirit, and you whom read this with all intended thought know’ that by READING and learning Big Words we can Decode any Biblical be it The Koran – The CATHOLIC Canons – The Buddhist to Hindu Zoroaster Scripts, and so on, and so forth: where the Gypsy TAROT Cards does give way to this Machine Celestial Sphere that we are all Born into with each and everyone of us having {DE-Ja-VU} in this ORABORUS Curse of these JADE HELM 15 {G4S] freemason Lodge Members in our home towns where all Military on this side of the World are “U.N. Troops” from MADE IN CHINA to the U.S. FLAG Skull Mercenaries, and Private Military CONTRACTORS of the (Hollywood) to the Bollywood Movie Stars world: in this FLAT EARTH Thunder-dome Reality!!!

As I know we all miss Christ Jesus 1.0 and we did save him from the Cross where those HOLES in his Hands Remained, and the Scar on his side did heal, as Christ Jesus Returned when youm worry about the Weather Weapons of mass confusion called HARRP and DARPA just look to the Skies to know what the Weather Will be for if God can change your Skin from Black to White, and then Back to Black why worry what the Weather Can do to you while UNDERGROUND CITIES of computational mechanization pumps the Water of the Oceans up to the Waterfalls in the Skies???? We have OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition where G.O.D. is not GOVERNMENT OVER DEMOCRACY, but Government of Democracy, and if the many can not decipher the codex of their RELIGIONS ink on paper books, that is now no more concern of ours: for we do not EAT, nor DRINK from these FAST FOOD Places, and we DO NOT “deal” with any of their U.N. FLAGS CORPORATION Graces… For all CORPORATIONS are “too blame” for all these Monstrous LIES of (COVID19) becoming just one more Vaccines of Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY!!!

Let the mindless masses watch THE RAPTURE of their TV Shows for they did not Love Christ Jesus 1.0 and they for certain never knew me as Paul The Apostate on the Run, and they did nothing to help raise my Blood Line of Peter The Rock and Mary Magdalene a Womb-man whom gave birth too many children that I Christ Jesus Returned` am just one… Do not let others THINK for you, nor tell you what to do for only God can do that, and those whom say they KNOW God surly do not!!!! These Military Personal only wish to kill, and maim, and rape WE THE PEOPLE, and they will always seek too Harm, and Hurt, and Take our homes away: by USE OF FORCE from their Fellow Man being we males, and females in all lands on this side of OUR shared FLAT EARTH in our Northern Hemisphere… If you are too weak and too cowardly too PUSH BACK, then at-least do not BURY your last “Talent” in the Ground, and not join us in Boycotting: all FAST FOOD Corporations… You know it is time to read the Book of MATHEW with your new eyes, and your new sight…

Johnny Exodice

There is no need to lie to anyone [anymore] +=+ if youm are one of mine……., and if youm wish to GO HOME whence you die’ too this place of Lunacy – Madness – Insanity where the Police, and these ROMAN CATHOLIC Military Militants with their MEDICATION {NEWS} World Order do all their Lies Agreed Upon from FAKE SPACE to (their ideals) [{**}] of Lucifer being the Light of the world when S.A.T.A.N. is nothing more then A {T.V. Screen} youm hold in the palm of your hand…

The Society of nonmason~

BOYCOTT all FAST FOOD, and Boycott anything and anyone [youm know] [{*}] attended these FREE MASON Lodges from your birth till now in 2021 C.E. be it Their Religious Buildings to Their Governmental Buildings to all these CORPORATIONS doing WAR IS MURDER…

The Sentinel…

We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!

We Are Revelation… We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY!!!! Game Over~

Remember, Remember, The 5th of December and all our NON-MASON Populations dead at the hands of all these FREE MASON CORPORATION CEO WAR MACHINES…

The Commander~

† Σ ∞ π ‡ Ω

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How hospitals legally kill people.
Jess Sosnoski