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Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 3,230 Views
Published on 07 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics

The truth about masks: they are DANGEROUS

Here is the original German version:

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pelicanaus 4 years ago


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pelicanaus 4 years ago

Most masks are sprayed with a teflon chemical combine that with heat and humidity will create cancers and pleurisy Alot of people have been deceived they have no idea they are slowly killing themselves . Esp the elderly their immunity is shot to pieces wearing masks all during the summer and when real virus comes along in the winter they will die Their immune system is so low even a slight cold will kill them Please protect the elderly they need Oxygen not recycled CO2

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Spark of Light
Spark of Light 4 years ago

Not surprised Youtube deleted it.... love that I have a free speech platform that will not censor us!

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

This World Became Krypton in 1984, and will die just as Superman’s Home World Died…

For those of you’m whom have come to {The Conclusion} +=+ that this Machine we are all born into is PURGATORY……., and that The G.O.D. of this Prison Planet is more then just the A.I. of the EDISON Technological Mechanization in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA…….., and that the reason Demons…..., and Devils….., and Monsters are Real in our Flesh…., and Blood..., and Bones in this Life.., or Death [Hunger Games] Qballs~ /_\ TV Show called the {NEWS} World Order of these FREE MASON Lodge Members., it is always [your choice] [{**}] too believe in Christ Jesus RETURNED……..., and listen to the Lessons of the Old and New Testament Biblical book of books, and that this is A “choice” for in truth, there is NO good or evil for we Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Creatures, there is only and “always” just THE CHOICE to do {Right or Wrong} too our Families, our Friends, our Co-workers, and the land – sea – air…

For those whom have read all [the words] [{*}] in The Book of EXODICE as that word is true, and it is not EXODUS!!! For Exodice only means: Exiting out the Two too find the ONE True Motive, and what is the “motive” of your World Leaders with their FAKE SPACE Religion of Science as the Fantasist of Fantasy saying: WAR IS NOT MURDER???, war is necessary???, needed???, and filled with Integrity, Honor, and “Virtue” when you kill and MURDER another Human Being???, and you decimate the Lands of People cause they {do not want} to buy McDonald's Fast Food in their Home Lands.?.?.?.? Now…., it is certain that the [U.N. FLAG] / * \ is a Corporate Flag of their International Mafia….., but so is every flag in this living HELL a Corporation “Flags” from Walmart to Ford to Toyota to IBM and Alan Parsons with his {I – R.O.B.O.T. song} of I wouldn’t want to be like you…

And how many WEAPONS has the [U.S. FLAG] Corporation made since the end of these MUD FLOOD WARS that ended in World War Two in 1945.?.?.? And do tell my children, and my grand children what is the True “Purpose” of MILITARY besides having Humans Killing Humans cause my eyes are BLUE, and your EYES are BROWN… For I see these BLACK HAIR PEOPLE from China to Africa and they all got BROWN EYES……., and when the “British” Empire Ruled the World, it was these BLUE EYED People doing [oppression] to all Brown Eyed People from Korea to Japan from Vietnam to the Gulf Wars to these FAKE JEWS from the {Book of Revelation} known as Light Skin, Fair Hair, Blue EYES in control of all the BLACK HAIR “Olive” Skin Brown Eyed Fake Jews called the Talmud Zionist??? Now maybe EYE COLOUR does not matter???, but when you look at the Oppressed, and these U.S. Military Bases…..., why is it BLUE EYES run the USA…., and we brown eyed U.S. Tax Paying Citizens have NO SAY [in the laws] /-\ imposed on We The Peoples Population of JAILS and PRISONS and WALMART FEMA CAMPS of JADE HELM 15 under PROJECT BLUE BEAM, and your Blue Eyes “Faked” NEWS TV Shows of Moon Landings.?.?.?

You see, I don’t see A White Man, nor a Black Man…. I see BLUE EYES killing, raping, and subjugating we the BLACK HAIR {Brown Eyes} be our skin oh so light, too dark as a Panther or a Cougar in the Wild Wild “Wilde” JUNGLE!!! If life could be whittled down to Skin Color, then we would need many {more colors} for no one has WHITE Skin, and NO ONE has black skin, but we do have BLACK PAPER and White Paper to put our “hands on” too gauge the Complexity of Tan too Olive to Brown skin tones.?.?.?.?.?, and yet WE THE PEOPLE reside and remain “in this” BLACK OR WHITE = Good or Evil as if WE THE PEOPLE have (lost the ability) too contemplate the choices of throwing Plastics into Our UNIVERSAL Oceans, and Rubber Automobile TIRES TIRES TIRES being burned in White Smoke INCINERATORS called “Recycling” of these PLASTICS, and then, we spray the skies with [Chemicals] from all our Productions of TV SCREENS SCREENS SCREAMS!!!! You just keep watching TV my populations, so Purgatory can {judge you} as a Good and Faithful Servant, or a Worthless, and Wasteful Servant…

Johnny Exodice

We Are The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, and we will cause [Complications] to all U.N. Troops, and their A.I. Military EMPIRE Weapons as the Children of STAR WARS “at war” with the Children of STAR TREK, and their FEDERATION of FREE MASONS while we the Coalition of [nonmason] shall hit you in the face at every opportunity till all in this SIMULATION memory of what happened to make “we are” the Human Race go extinct, as we know the Awful Horror from the Book of REVELATION is that Dead Celestial Sphere called The MOON……., and since our Yellow Sun has Turned WHITE as the {Pale Horse} from this BOOK OF REVELATION your Vaccines and {Vitamin D} can do nothing to fix The Sun in the Sky that you are killing with all your Chem Trails “Sprayed” into the HEAVENS of all nations, and as the SUN will die out in 2094 C.E. You The CAPITALIST and Your [Masonic] CORPORATIONS did this to we your Fellow Citizens, and your very own Children as the FOOLS of Masonic “Lodges” with all your PizzaGATE Satanist….

The Society of nonmason~

If it was not Too Late too save our PLANET EARTH, then MASONS “would” become Honest….., but since they Took a Blood Oath of Decent is allowed: but BETRAYAL IS [DEATH] meaning if a FREE MASON Lodge Member ever “speaks” the truth…..., their other FREE MASON {Lodge Members} will kill, and murder them, and their families…. As Christ Jesus 1.0 “Spoke” about all MASONS…., you are nothing more then a Pit of Vipers!!!! But we whom do {1st Corinthians 13 } will and shall find our way home “one day” before this Whole Wide World Ends in 2094 C.E.

The Sentinel…

Mathew 5 – John 13:34 – Mathew 28


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