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I am just your Average American Joe... and this channel is where I share my opinions on News, Politics, Headlines and more.
So who am I and why should you care? I describe myself as a God Fearing (Jesus the One TRUE God ✝️), Gun Toting, Freedom Loving, Combat Veteran who was born and bred in the greatest country on Earth...the U.S.A. I served for 6 years in US Army with one tour in Iraq...I was a member of the first unit to combat test the Avenger Air Defense system. I have strong Conservative beliefs that I will defend to the end... as I believe Conservatism is the right answer and only path to make and keep our Country Great.
#MAGA #KAG #WWG1WGA #TRUMP2020 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
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Do tell me MY people……..., persons…….., and populations [that are] +=+ CITIZENS of your NATIONAL FLAGS when will you “NONMASON” People……., and Citizens come to see the FREE MASON are the (COVID19) Alien Invasion of [U.N. Troops] /_\ in your National Paramilitaries…..., and Police Forces be they Provisional….., County…., City..., Local.., State.?.?.?.?
And that all 192 U.N. FLAGS work as one Mobster Pirate ORGANIZATION for the UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” / * \ as Global Citizens and Global Government “of these” FREE MASON Lodge Members in our home towns when [we the people] [{**}] know whom are THEY LIVE are these INTERNATIONALIST., and they {must all die} [{*}] for High Treason – Treachery – Sedition, and Traitors to their OATH OF OFFICE “be they” a Mayor to a Judge to These FREE MASON C.O.P.S., and even your moms and dads, brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters in ANY MILITARY LOYAL to the UNITED NATIONS W.H.O. aka NEW WORLD ORDER of Corporations and Corporate FLAGS that all FLAGS even OUR [50 STATES] FOR AMERICA FLAGS are Mitigation Corporate Flags as (your name) is in all CAPS as a CORPORATION “Citizen” of your Countries and [Counties] CORPORATE FLAGS in these Corporate Wars…
We Are Pak-Toe!!! We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!
We Are REVELATION…. We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY!!!! Game Over~
The Society of nonmason~