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You Won't BELIEVE What The Congress Said!

KeepItMovin - 65 Views
Published on 13 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

Sleazy AG Merrick Garland has locked away the audio file containing the interview Special Council Robert K. Hur and Joe Biden as 'TOP SECRET' and has been confined to a 'high-security facility'. His refusal to release the requested audio/ video files is putting him in CONTEMPT of Congress. The Attorney General continues to avoid answering questions directly concerning the situation because he probably doesn't want to tarnish the current President's image with the public. Too late for that, buddy! Comment below what YOU think is being hidden on those audio files compared to the transcripts!
#merrickgarland #hurinterview #congressnews
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For Ourselves And Our Posterity

If they have admitted to leaving things out of the transcript, you can't trust the transcript. Maybe it is just pauses, maybe it is more.

We know the left believes in political expediency, and not the rule of law. If it helps them politically, their morality says they should do it, regardless of what the law says or what is honest. They believe in situational ethics and the ends justifying the means, and not in doing the right thing, as a foundation of their system of good and bad. That core belief system is what allows them to justify any illegal act, any dishonesty, and even outright murder as long as it helps them obtain and use political power.

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