You’re not allowed to travel to this island, and if you do, you may not make it out alive
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North Sentinel Island is a small island measuring roughly 7 by 8 kilometres, or 4.8 by 4.4 miles. It is located in the Bay of Bengal, which is located in the Northeastern Indian Ocean. What makes this island so unique is the fact that it home to a tribe of natives who are untouched by modern civilization. That’s right, you won’t find skyscrapers and jets here; just a few huts and maybe a spear or two. This tribe of the island is called the “Sentinelese”. Their population is currently estimated to be anywhere from 50-400.
Over the years, there has been multiple encounters with the Sentinelese, and they’re almost all bad. The Sentinelese often violent reject any encounters they have with modern civilization, so over the years there has been multiple attacks by accidental encounters with them.
In 1867, the Nineveh, an Indian merchant ship, was wrecked on a reef near the island. The 106 surviving passengers and crewmen landed on the beach in the ship's boat and fended off attacks by the Sentinelese. They were eventually found by a Royal Navy rescue party.
In 1981, after the “Primrose” grounded on the North Sentinel Island reef, crewmen several days later noticed that small dark-skinned men carrying spears and arrows were building boats on the beach. The captain of Primrose radioed for an urgent drop of firearms so his crew could defend themselves. They did not receive any because a large storm stopped other ships from reaching them. However, the heavy seas also prevented the islanders from approaching the ship. One week later, the crewmen were rescued by a helicopter.
The Sentinelese survived the Indian Ocean earthquake that had happened in 2004. Three days after the earthquake, an Indian government helicopter observed several islanders, who attempted to attack it by shooting arrows and throwing stones.
On January 26th, 2006, two fishermen (Sunder Raj and Pandit Tiwari), were killed by Sentinelese when their boat accidentally got too close to the island when they were supposedly fishing for mud crabs.
Due to their lack of contact with modern civilization, the natives of North Sentinel Island have no immunity to modern diseases and infections. This was shown in 1880, when an expedition led by Maurice Vidal Portman succeeded in capturing six Sentinelese (an elderly couple and four children), bringing them back to Port Blair to research their customs. The colonial officer in charge of the operation wrote that the entire group, "sickened rapidly, and the old man and his wife died, so the four children were sent back to their home with quantities of presents".
All in all, because of the threats both to and from the Sentinelese, the Indian government has declared the entire island and its surrounding waters extending 5.6 kilometres to be an exclusion zone.
So yeah, I wouldn’t try to go to this island if I were you. Have you heard of North Sentinel Island? Let us know what you think about this story!
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