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You Never Noticed That Max Payne Movie Was About AI in Your Mind

JamesRoss - 297 Views
Published on 12 Jul 2024 / In Film and Animation

The movie is just another cover-up effort of Hollywood to hide their covert brainchipping program. The blame drugs. This is why the USA has a CIA Masonic funded drug-problem. This is why alcohol-sales are on every street corner... drugs are used to buffer and hide the covertly implanted brainchips into every human alive. A.i. will purposely make all implanted humans insane and dead. Humanity has come against the challenge to save itself. Luciferians are working with the devils to extinct humanity. The winged disk is a real ancient symbol for A.i. in the heads of humans.

The Luciferians who rule your society are servants of the old devils and they all rebuilt another AI supercomputer to become the new fake-god of Earth.

Interesting what you miss in simple killer movie mysteries.

Did you know that the circle or disk with wings symbolizes the AI fake-god?
You really should study a bit more history to know who your enemy really is.
Luciferians are worshipers of the disk with wings over the door mantles of ancient Egypt... it is everywhere around you and they are now in genocide mode.

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