Yet another UNBOXING Feb 26, 1028 - WHY do you guys like Unboxing videos so much?
Here are links to buy the items you saw in this video:
All prices listed in USD (Everyone in the world can know what their currency is like compared to USD)
CTSmart KX13 - The tiny folding knife with wooden handle:
Sanrenmu 7116 SUE-GP-T7 - $18.99:
Sanrenmu 7106 SUE-GP-T7 - $25: from Amazon.COM - (ship only to USA)
Ganzo G722 Black (4 for my son's groomsmen):
ONLY $11.59USD in BLACK or $13.41 for Green and Orange
PARACORD by CTSmart (Army Green Camo is on sale now - $4.29):
XIAOMI Aqara Smart Water Sensor ($13.86) - Not a standalone part, XIAOMI GATEWAY is required:
Watch this video of mine if you are interested in this alarm system - self-managed:
Gateway + some sensors:
Motion Sensor: -
The Xiaomi Gateway (not seen in the video, but necessary for the Water Sensor):
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Thank-you for using my links, it helps fund my channel. IF you are watching a video that is more than ONE MONTH old please take the time to use a GearBest link on a new review video and then search for the knife you want after using that link BECAUSE GearBest only gives me credit when you use links that are less than 30 days old.
I do get credit for your entire purchase IF you open GearBest buy clicking on one of my referral links. THANKS. If you have any questions, please ASK.
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