X22 report -. 03/18/2022 - Stage Set Ukraine Freedom Biden Compromised A Traitors Justice.
X22 report - Ep 2729b - Stage Set Ukraine Freedom Biden Compromised A Traitors Justice. 03/18/2022
The world is run by Arcane, Occult, Mystery School (Witchcraft) types, like the Masons, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove types.
The NWO plan could be either a utopian heaven, or a dystopian hell.
In Luciferian Enlightenment Revolutionary type warfare, the populace needs to be "Woken Up" or "Enlightened" to the "Knowledge" (Gnosis in Greek or Science in Latin) of Good (Love) versus Evil (Hate).
So that is a Right Path, White Path Craft versus a Sinister Left Path, Black Path Craft (Witch-Craft). See the Masonic Chessboard and Yin/Yang Symbolism.
Allegorically the Serpent (See Kundalini) Enlightened Humans to this Knowledge in the Garden of Eden Fable.
Hegelian Dialectic creates a Thesis versus Antithesis to create a target Synthesis.
Problem, Reaction, Solution.
So is Trump good with a little evil or evil with a little good?
We should hope that the white path (white hat) operators (whoever they are) will win this New Age of Aquarius Armageddon war in the end. In terms of their own Mystery School teachings, Light triumphs over Darkness in the end.
So perhaps these architects of history do indeed know what they are doing. The Apocalypse is the unveiling of previously hidden (occult) teachings to the common masses, to try to invite them to become Enlightened.
To leave Plato's Allegory of the Cave, leave Westworld, Pleasantville, The Matrix or the individual Truman Show (True Man) reality that we are born into, to start with.