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WW3 Analysis by Odessa Orlewicz

JamesRoss - 88 Views
Published on 03 Jun 2024 / In People and Blogs

A rigged Slaughter-fest of the bamboozled sheeple by the treacherous Freemasons and Luciferians.

I don't follow the world news on mass media too closely... So the Luciferian-Freemasons like Biden, Putin, Zelinski, and most other political leader is rigging up a big world war again...
Will the sheeple just walk away from their Freemason thUgs orchestrating the old devils' desires?

WWI ended on a whimsical stoppage I read... the soldiers could not believe the war just ended... they did not realize that a bunch of Freemasons just shake hands and agree to slaughter their bamboozled sheeple/shitizens.

WWII had the Three "Hollow Heroes" (Churchill, Mont Batten and Montgomery) just slaughtering the sheeple in front of German stronghold shores... just a ritualistic slaughter-fest, I read in that book.

The real secret war is ongoing century after century... the secret societies, bloodline Masonic traitors to their countries who spy on the thoughts of the sheeple using government(Luciferian) "surveys" of the attitudes of the bamboozled sheeple.

Trump is a Mystery School minion if you study his Trump-Tower:

The Putin Zelenski fake war was planned long ago by the ancient sheepherders, Homo capensis:

This is Oddessa:

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JamesRoss 23 days ago

I found a brainchip-preacher for the Satan-race exposing the Luciferian agenda for 2020 to 2030:
The I, Pet Goat at the beginning is to symbolize the fireworks that will be used to bamboozle the sheeple.

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