World Doctors Alliance- _The Greatest Crime in History. - *** 9May the cape of 10,000 doctors and specialists together with now 1000 Lawyers has been reached ready for the Nurenberg 2 Trial!
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The 'Doctors for Information' and 'Doctors for Truth' have joined forces with similar groups of practitioners around the world, in the 'World Doctor's Alliance' (2A). This historic alliance connects more than one hundred thousand medical professionals around the world. They reveal how the pandemic is the greatest crime in history, and offer solid scientific evidence for this claim. They also take legal actions against governments who are playing along in this criminal operation.

As free people we want heads to roll and we can make it happen.

LOTS are standing up this is a top one to pay attention to!

Brave Men and Woman. The world needs more doctors to stand up and tell the truth. Thank you Doctors. May God be with you.

So glad to find these brave health professionals who are fighting crimes against humanity. May God bless all of you!