World's Tallest Successful Egg Drop - From the Edge of Space! - Mark Rober
If you have ever accidentally dropped and egg from the height of a typical table, you know the splattered results. However, with some padding and engineering, you can drop an egg from a table height, or a bridge height, or a building height and have it land safely. Mark takes it to the extreme this time - all the way to the edge of space, and have it come back intact!
This is a great video for students, makers, and homeschoolers. It really covers a large amount of science, engineering, and practical lessons from building and achieving a goal.
Mark Rober has a distinguished online career. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Mechanical Engineering, and the University of Southern California. He then worked for NASA on the Curiosity Rover (now on Mars) as well as Apple.
However, he is best known for his science and engineering focused videos. The first video he posted was of a Halloween costume with two iPads that created the appearance of a hole in his body, which went viral with over a million views. He also produced a series of successful glitterbomb videos to deter porch pirates. His videos of a squirrel obstacle course have also been very popular. So far he has won 9 Streamy awards, and the Webby "Film and Video Person of the Year."
Mark Rober ~ Egg Drop from Space ~ 2022, with Memes ~ BYVZh5kqaFg ~ 720p.mp4

"Do it Right, Make it White." Love the Red-pilling

His video on a very successful egg drop with straws. It’s a pretty good feed of engineering in my opinion. Inexpensive, practical, and very effective. It is fun to see him using much more complicated methods for a much more higher, and more complicated drop.

Great video on engineering, and the strange twist and turns it can take

Fun video. Interesting all the challenges they had to overcome to be able to successfully drop the egg.