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Witchcraft In Your Local Church

Your2Kind - 115 Views
Published on 11 Sep 2022 / In Spiritual

The occult is everywhere! The sheeple masses always implement the wicked agenda(s) of a small devilish minority. That's why so many blind sheeple blindly cooperated with the covid 19 fallacy. They were either spiritually deceived or willful spiritual deceivers. Many of the so-called Christian denominations started off as deceptive fronts for demonic covens. That is why there are so many biblical misunderstandings. It's all very intentional!!!!

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 2 years ago

I wasn't ready for that to end - wanted to hear more- thank you.
What most ppl do not realize is that MANY RITUALS are performed AT CHURCH.
A victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) had said to look for churches with an alter in them.
She asked, "Why would a church need an alter?? They don't.
Pulpit, podium, speaker's box, stage, etc, but no alter is ever needed in a church.
Apparently, after hours, late at night, children are raped & even sacrificed on these alters.
Hate to say that it makes sense, but to me, it does.
What better cover than a religious place of worship?
What better way to mock God & Jesus's followers?
I really appreciated the honesty of everyone in this video, and thank you for posting it.

P.S. Please continue to post videos with those qualities- one that is long enough to listen to while I'm doing something else. We don't have the time anymore to just SIT & look at something (I disconnected TV 6 yrs ago) - the laptop was on, I was folding laundry & walked over every time a different person came on. I have things to do (putting away dishes next, work crap after, etc) and like to learn or catch up on news (OUR news, unreported REAL news, not slanted msm garbage) while doing mindless tasks, but no time for a bunch of 5-8 minute reports or "sit & watch" vids... so, thank you again.

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Your2Kind 2 years ago

That is so deep! I've never thought of it from that perspective. But why in the world do churches need alters? Thank you very much for the compliment! I certainly appreciate the encouragement! I personally believe that it all started with DECEPTION---which started in the Garden of Eden. In other words, that was the first seed planted, and now we are reaping a harvest of deception in all areas of life: mentally spiritually physically socially emotionally financially, politically etc.

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Your2Kind 2 years ago

By the way, I have more compelling videos at the following link:

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 2 years ago

@Your2Kind: thank you! & glad you post here - Rumble censors - not sure if it's the employees as the founder & Bongino don't seem to know it.... not sure abt Bitchute- I don't spend time there. will be going to see that link now!! keep in touch : )

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