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William Cooper's World-Salvation Radio Station was Burnt by Arsons (likely by his local, fake-benevolent, genocidal-Freemasons...)

JamesRoss - 734 Views
Published on 14 May 2022 / In People and Blogs

William Cooper's Radio Station was Burnt by Arsons (likely by local, fake-benevolent Freemasons...)
And eight years later, the fake-virtuous, murderous-thUgs Freemasons assassinated Bill Only Days After 9/11.
You see, Freemasons are not only traitors to the USA constitution with their genocidal NWO rise of "New Atlantis" they are traitors to the Creator-God's blueprint for their successful soul-development. Freemasons are not virtuous as they claim... they are traitors to their own species, by choosing to genocide their neighbors and even family-members who did not join their pathetic wwCult.

What is sad about fixing the Burnt Radio Station with the aid from Swizz Gold and Silver... is that Switzerland is the "refuge" of the Templars and is thus a base for Freemasons, too. What this likely means is that all the people who called Swizz American Trading were automatically tagged as a future terrorist since they listen to Bill's programs. As hard as Bill tried to keep the thUgs out of his hair, he was infiltrated by spies... by his main financier, in all likelihood. By doing this they would be able to keep track over the interest generated by the American people who gave a hoot with the ability to shoot.

I combined 4 Youtube videos into one:

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