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Will USA People Will Take The Fall That Secret Society Freemasons Have Set-Up

JamesRoss - 170 Views
Published on 05 Jun 2024 / In People and Blogs

It is not the taxpayers who want war with Russia, who do these politicians really represent? Why does the US debt-dollar have an ancient Egyptian Tower-Of-Babel on the back of it? Hey... Putin and Zelensky are Freemasons, hey, Biden and Trump are Freemasons... Freemasons assassinated JFK... hey, Freemasons demolished the WTC, it was not Bin Ladin's cave-mongers who done it? What is going on around here?

If the non-corrupt people do not take back their political system from those Freemasons. This is the situation for all of Western Civilization countries... the Communists are already running every country. Politicians and police, you see, are Freemasons or Luciferians. Russia does not have to battle to invade... The Freemasons will just open the back doors during the night and in the morning the country will already be politically a communist country... overnight. overnight because it has already been done with Covid-19 removing the non-communists from all governments.

Biden is a Freemason actor playing the role of a senile, old-fart to degrade the USA politics into a laughing zone. The Freemasons and secret societies not in politics railroad their fellow Freemason(Trump) when he was reversing the problems created by the Left political actors. Jone Rivers was no more after exposing Mike as a transgender.
Biden has given the okay to start a USA war with Russia. Rather bizzare that non-cult people in USA do not oust the old fart or better yet replace their entire Freemasonic politics before the sheeple die for Masonic treachery.

A outside view of what he sees happening to the US people who allow Masonic politicians to get away with treason against the people's wishes.

JFK died a week after asking US newspapers to publish his intentions that he will cleans out the secret society traitors from US politics.

Someone nefarious shot a magic bullet and the sheeple fell back to sleep... Now the same Death-cUlt that 322 John Kerry competed and lost to (that military hero), 322 Dubbya Bush who covers-up the Masonic-orchestrated 911 demolition project to blame Afganastan, the Bin-laden-under-your-bed show. Mystery School minions are allowed to do their crap and get away with it.

The cUlt used the richest country in South America, Venezuela, as an example of what they have planned for the rest of the West. Foreign stealth troops have been influxing the West for years... not nice, grateful people who rape the women because they see themselves as conquering invaders, "I am not a refugee" one asylum-seek kept claiming... then what are you? "You will see, soon enough." Starvation was handed out to all the non-communist citizens of Venezuela.

The brainchip-hivemind technology is kept hidden from the sheeple. These are brainchip which convinces the individual that god is speaking directly to them which nobody else can hear... It is called "the voices of gods" weapon It has been exposed for over a decade: Elon Musk covers-up past brainchipings by inventing his fake Neuralink that uses wires rather than magnetics to isolate individual neurons.. Musk is the richest freemason, even richer than the freemason Bill gates... what is wrong with the purity of society? What is wrong with sheeple who accept to go along with masonic corruption?

Venezuela is the example of how USA and Canada will be treated. Covid-19 was a smoke-screen: to remove the non-cUlt government workers and replace them all with fellow communist Luciferians who are already in their brainchip-hivemind of thUgs and minions.

The Luciferians are running all aspects of Western Society and the sheeple think they can vote in a better future... Trump is also a Luciferian who plays the conservative christian... he is Luciferian.. a freemason... study his Trump Tower: it spells out "Lucifer worshiper" in case you do not see the symbolism.

Sheeple see the corruption, yet they go along to get along, I guess... I have been hounded by sheepdog freemasons and gangstalkers for 18 years now... nobody cares... until it happens to them that is the way of the sheeple. And Bill Cooper tried to wake up the sheeple... that is where I get the term "sheeple" From Bill Cooper who exposed the Freemason monopoly over politics. Cooper perished at the masons hands after 911 which is when I began to question politics, but Cooper is covered-up because I didn't notice his efforts until hearing his Mystery Babylon Radio Series... it spells out the problem with politics and the Freemasons... not the Jews, the Freemason lodges, not the Jew lodges... the Mystery School CUlt of thUgs who are about to let the Russian and Chinese troops into North America. Celestial is told what to tell the sheeple by the brainchip in her head.

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