Will the End Times Begin on Rosh Hashanah? The Appointed Times of Messiah's Return
Did the End Times Begin TODAY on Rosh Hashanah? There are a lot of people who think it may have, that this is the beginning of the appointed times of the end. If it didn't why do so many people associate Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah with the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel, others with the Resurrection, and others with the Rapture. What is special about the appointed times, the Mo'edim or Feasts of the Lord and what can we learn about Jesus' return from them? Watch this Nelson Walters video to find out.

I love God...the God inside of us, not the one we put on the walll...dont you find it strange that luciferians have been teaching mainstream christianity for 2000 yrs now...and it is mainstream religion that pushes this story of ENDTIMES? Could it be God is so much bigger than we have been told? And God loves us more than some weak, 3D version of a santa clause? Man needs tro grow up!!! these tales are MANS TALES of end times ALL SELF FULFILLED PROPHECY!!!! So stop it...find the God inside of you, acknowledge this creative force and be grateful that all of this is in our hands if we so choose OR lets fulfill a self written procphecy by the luciferians from then until now...then truly nothing has changed EXCEPT the consciousness of man who loves his fellow man, has compassion for others on this planet AND WANTS TO SEE THE END OF THIS NONESENSE!!! God is so much more than we have been told, not some revengeful ogre who waits to judge yopu for this or that...please grow up and fast!!! THE NWO HAS YEARS ON US AND WE NEED TO GET READY...but to wait around and expect Jesus to come and save us is something that requires a head examination...we are not desrving of such a place if we commit all this bullshit on this planet and then want to run "screaming save me" GOD IS INSIDE OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU...FIND YOUR CREATIVE SOURCE AND YOU WILL BEGIN A JOURNEY BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS