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The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 09 Sep 2022 / In Technology


United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that the US is ready to begin exploratory talks with North Korea “without preconditions”, but only after a “period of quiet” without new nuclear or missile tests.
The secretary of state’s remarks appeared to mark a shift in state department policy, which had previously required Pyongyang to show it was “serious” about giving up its nuclear arsenal before contacts could start. And the language was a long way from repeated comments by Donald Trump that such contacts are a “waste of time”.

North Korea has not yet shown any intent on backing down.
Earlier this week it emerged that China is building a network of refugee camps along its 880-mile (1,416km) border with North Korea, in preparation for a potential exodus that could be unleashed by conflict or the collapse of Kim Jong-un’s regime. This development indicates the increasing probability of clash.

One of the options that the United States is looking at to counter North Korea’s nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles is an experimental weapon called CHAMP.
CHAMP stands for Counter-Electronics High-Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project. It uses bursts of microwave energy — an electromagnetic pulse — to disable electronic systems.

In this video, Defense Updates analyzes WHY U.S MAY USE CHAMP TO FRY NORTH KOREA’S MISSILES ?

The idea would be to launch a cruise missile such as an AGM-86C — which is carried by the Boeing B-52 — that is armed with a CHAMP warhead to disable Pyongyang’s nuclear forces.
CHAMP is like a super powerful microwave ovens that can generate a concentrated beam of microwave energy.
“These high-powered microwave signals are very effective at disrupting and possibly disabling electronic circuits,” Mary Lou Robinson, who heads development of the weapons at the Air Force Research Laboratory, told NBC News.
Missile, bombs etc all have complex electronic circuits, so such an attack would actually disable them.
The most important aspect is that it is not lethal for humans and will avoid human casualties.

CHAMP is not yet ready for operational deployment and it would take a little bit of time. But officials believe the weapon could be readied for a contingency operation within only a few days in an emergency. And indeed, the U.S Air Force has tested the weapon against simulated facilities that produce weapons of mass destruction.


The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber. The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades.

This makes the B 52 an ideal launch platform for a AGM-86C missile armed with CHAMP.


The AGM-86 is a subsonic air-launched cruise missile built by Boeing. This missile was developed to increase the effectiveness and survivability of the Boeing B-52 bomber as the missile can be fired from standoff ranges. In combination, the missile dilutes an enemy’s forces and complicates air defense of its territory.

It has a range of 1,100 to 2,400 km depending on variant. This enables the B 52 to launch it far off from the target.
A single B 52 can launch unto 20 of these missiles. Hence, an enemy force could have to counterattack more than one missile at a time, making defense against them costly and complicated. The enemy’s defenses are further hampered by the missiles' small size and low-altitude flight capability, which makes them difficult to detect on radar.
North Korea has no air defense system which is capable of taking out this missile.


Though seemingly a silver bullet , with CHAMP there are certain disadvantages.

1. The weapons would have to fly exceedingly close to the North Korean missiles before detonating.
2. There is also the very real possibility that North Korean nuclear facilities are hardened against an EMP just as American,Russian and Chinese systems are.
3. If North Korea can detect the missile, it’s likely they will try shoot it down or respond as if it were a kinetic attack. North Korea won’t know if/when it detects the missiles whether they are carrying CHAMP as opposed to a conventional or nuclear warhead.North Korea will see cruise missiles fly into the country and hear explosions. By the time they figure out they were less-lethal HPM payloads, they will have already retaliated. So, the situation will still escalate.


Keeping in view the limitations, CHAMP could be used by US in scenario where it targets a specific missile site. But this could result in all out war just like it would with traditional options.
In case of all out preemptive strike by U.S, the CHAMP will certainly give way to tactical nukes or conventional weapons , as it will be essential to eliminate all of North Korea’s nuclear weapons in one sweep and CHAMP won’t be suitable for that role.

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