Why Jesus Said It's DANGEROUS to Think He Can Return at Any Time (It's Not Imminent Now)
It's dangerous to think Jesus' return is imminent and can happen at any time. In fact Jesus himself said this type of thinking can lead to destruction. Yet, most Christians today believe this to be true. What is the great risk in this type of belief? Watch this Nelson Walters video to learn what warning of Jesus most have overlooked.
The ULTIMATE Rapture Question Settles the Pretribulation Rapture Debate https://youtu.be/RsQ_SD3_VpU
Does Revelation 3:10 Prove the Rapture is Pretrib or Post-trib or Prewrath? https://youtu.be/RJ2XlGJrIvU

This is one of the most stupid diatribes on any part of the bible I have ever heard. I can't even begin to refute this mush as it would take me more time than the length of this video. Less than 5 minutes in and the narrator is contradicting himself. This vid is from Satan.