Why in the world, are they spraying (The Caucus Will Cause Global Famine On Purpose)
Just like i always say these people will cause for millions to die and even billions to perish from hunger and so called natural disasters which will not be natural but look as if it is nature doing it but it is THEM doing it and the reason i dislike these devils is that when these average caucus saw this happening to AFRICA THEY DID AND SAID NOTHING BUT NOW they found out that THEIR OWN RACE, THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT is doing THE SAME unto them NOW all of a sudden they want us all to come together and fight against THEIR government... notice how they put ONE INDIVIDUAL so called black child in this documentary AS IF THEY GIVE A FUCK about us this is not about us it is about THEM and them using again their SO CALLED LOVE to gather us up into THEIR fight with THEIR elites.. remember these average caucus people BEEN seeing what THEIR government been doing to asiatic countries like vietnam and india and africa but now all of a sudden they are worried because it is happening to america and europe...
The guy even said that in this docu do not think that it can not happen in america cause it happens in all the other countries where your government does it so what makes america special and excempt? It isnt...
And by the way notice that little brown skinned boy is shaven bald.. i can never love parents especially a black female that shaves her sons hair bald cause I KNOW for a fact they find that hair UGLY!!!
I would not want any black female near my children... unless she has her own hair texture... woolly sheep like hair..
Climate engineering

These edomites can change the weather and then say it is climate change... first it was chemtrails then they admit that and then rename it geoengineering and now they call it climate engineering and yall still dont believe they are the snake tongued race? You think im being racist while saying the truth? Is a faggot a faggot or an lbabcdefaggotsapien? Listen all letters of their groups are simply put GAGFAGS... nothing more nothing less.. a lesbo is a fag, bi is a fag, a queer is a fag, a tranny is a fag.. its all faggots... sodomites.. not individuals but all collectively faggots... they are a bundle of sticks that need to be tossed into the fire...

Just like i always say these people will cause for millions to die and even billions to perish from hunger and so called natural disasters which will not be natural but look as if it is nature doing it but it is THEM doing it and the reason i dislike these devils is that when these average caucus saw this happening to AFRICA THEY DID AND SAID NOTHING BUT NOW they found out that THEIR OWN RACE, THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT is doing THE SAME unto them NOW all of a sudden they want us all to come together and fight against THEIR government... notice how they put ONE INDIVIDUAL so called black child in this documentary AS IF THEY GIVE A FUCK about us this is not about us it is about THEM and them using again their SO CALLED LOVE to gather us up into THEIR fight with THEIR elites.. remember these average caucus people BEEN seeing what THEIR government been doing to asiatic countries like vietnam and india and africa but now all of a sudden they are worried because it is happening to america and europe...
The guy even said that in this docu do not think that it can not happen in america cause it happens in all the other countries where your government does it so what makes america special and excempt? It isnt...
And by the way notice that little brown skinned boy is shaven bald.. i can never love parents especially a black female that shaves her sons hair bald cause I KNOW for a fact they find that hair UGLY!!!
I would not want any black female near my children... unless she has her own hair texture... woolly sheep like hair..
Climate engineering