Why I HAVEN'T yet taken the COVID VACCINE A Scientific Debate.mp4
"Dr. Suneel Dhand - MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine"
Here's my story and unique concern, and I want to throw this question out to an open SCIENTIFIC DEBATE. I am a doctor that recommends routine vaccinations to all of my patients. Would you get the vaccine if you were me?
#COVID #coronavirus #vaccine #health

The anti-body is natures perfect vaccine. Why is anyone even considering a "vaccine" for a "virus" that's 99.97% survivable when the mortality rate for the "vaccine" in 40x higher?. That makes no sense. Where is the logic in even considering this?

How can you say you've never heard of COVID? It was on every LYSOL CAN in the USA in the 70s. Unless your not from here. But OH BOY....does everyone realize this is the 1st year in DECADES....NO ONE HAD THE FLU THIS YEAR? I consider that the BIGGEST MIRACLE IN THE UNIVERSE. For a virus that has been around for maybe a century just disappeared and a KILLIMG VIRUS just walks in and takes it's place? Oh and lets not forget heart attacks, motorcycle cycle accidents and cancer have also almost disappeared. I hope people do realize we have the cures for all these viruses, but if we all were well there would be less money for these GREEDY, DISGUSTING LITTLE FK'S to squeeze out of us. I am praying it's true that the ADRENACHROME has been seized and THEY starve to death and go back where THEY came from. Along with their MINIONS....Remember the move " Despicable Me?" All about minions following their evil master who adopted 3 LITTLE GIRLS FOR HIS OWN GAIN? Please begin to see..We are all in this together