Why He NOW owns the MOST Farmland in America!!
The Scary Reason Why Bill Gates Now OWNS 268,000 Acres of American Farmland!!
Why does he own the most farmland in America? It's quite simple actually...
Bill Gates purchased over 268,000 Acres in America so that he can take over the industry. He is a large investor in beyond meat and impossible foods. He is a very ambitious man who has realized a lot of his goals in his life. This goal would in fact change the way we all consume food. In the not so distant future we will also see big tech take over America through land ownership.. It will be the biggest transfer of wealth America has ever seen.

They've put a LEVEL 4 animal research lab in Manhattan Kansas, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR BEEF BELT.
What if they've plan to wipe out all our agriculture and starve us to death? DICTATORS HAVE ALWAYS USED FAMINE TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE!