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Why Eating Insects Is Being Pushed By The World Economic Forum

true conservative minutes
Published on 19 May 2024 / In News and Politics

Are you ready to start eating bugs? Check out the video to find out!

Welcome back to Bold TV with Ashton Cohen. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to Bold TV for all things Bold.

As you may have seen, the news media is currently making an unceasing attempt to persuade you to include creepy crawlies in your diet. But where is all of this coming from, you ask?

To begin, you can point to the World Economic Forum. It's a spooky institution run by an even creepier dude of government and corporate elites.

The World Economic Forum is the organization behind The Great Reset, and the organization enjoys telling people what they can and cannot do, how they must spend their lives, and, more recently, what they can and cannot eat.

What they truly want is for you to quit eating meat and replace it with insects, ostensibly to rescue the world from climate change.

Those rules, of course, do not apply to them.

While lecturing you on climate change, they will fly around in their private jets, dine at the world's top restaurants, and eat the tastiest steaks at their various conferences.

And in poor countries, steaks and high-quality animal goods are for the powerful, whereas roly pollies are for you.

Big government taxes and spend politicians, who have caused record levels of inflation, are also fans of this notion.

If you can persuade people to eat bugs instead of meats and animal proteins, the rising cost of meats and animal proteins will no longer be an issue. The bug diet is also very effective in large-scale agriculture.

The megafood businesses that lobby and buy politicians would love nothing more than to sell you insects, as well as the ultraprocessed, industrialized grains and seed oils that go into phony meat alternatives.

Why? Manufacturing and selling industrial waste has much larger profit margins than producing free range livestock and cattle.

So here's hoping you're looking forward to your caterpillar breakfast burritos and meal worm sandwiches. The bugs have already been placed on the plate.

Would you eat bugs? Let us know in the comments below.

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