Why America (REALLY) Supports Israel GDF.mp4
Why America (REALLY) Supports Israel GDF
Why America (REALLY) Supports Israel

these people crossed God these people betrayed God they betrayed God y would n e 1 want to b them they r the grossest beasts on earth

sure would like 2 c God keep his word to mankind n destroy whatt he created

Masonic politicians and military are not decision-makers... THEY ARE ACTORS ON A WORLD-STAGE.
I figured this out after I clashed with the old devils who command their sheepdog-Freemasons and Luciferians to obey their agendas. These devils are not ETaliens from another distant star. They are an ancient mankind that developed A.i. fake-god technology to run their civilization. They used that Ai to clone their bodies rather than procreate with women. Meiosis reproduction results in a reduction of life-spans to the Creator-God's blueprint for mankind. The Homo capensis need to clone their original bodies in order to maintain their many thousand-year lifespans. As a result, they brainwash into human sheep that women are "evil" which is stupid, but Homo capensis has become a ego-bound species pretending to battle with an imaginary old-man-god.
They claim Ai supercomputer fake-gods are their physical-salvation(brainwashed into heads of Freemasons and Luciferians, too)... this is why Mystery School minions are willing to sacrifice their own spiritually-endowed genetics for an Ai manipulated twisting of humanity. Freemasons hold the wicked Remnant-Lumanians as their example of enhanced-evolution.
But the Homo capensis species has lost it's value-fulfillment and spiritual-vitality by twisting the genetic-blueprint provided by AllThatIs(Creator-God). Because the multidimensional universe has infinite probable-worlds where all physically survive, thus there is no battle between good-intentions vs wicked-intentions. But in the process everyone has the free-will to develop a worthy or unworthy soul-fragment(God's gift of existence to new potential entities).
The World Stage is a training grounds for new spiritual-entities. The loving soul-fragments prove to be worthy of entitiship... while the wicked and murderous thUg-fragments prove their decaying, unloving soul-fragments to be unworthy of entitiship and not worthy to exist outside a black cube of shame.
You see... the Creator-God uses the stupid devils to offer new soul-fragments a more enticing choice between wicked-desires and beliefs as opposed to caring and loving desires.
The World Stage also doubles as a filtering mechanism for worthy new energy-essence-personalities that will develop into worthy entities as the gestalt of AllThatIs also grows.