Who (Really) Is Mitt Romney?
Excellent summary of Utah's biggest political embarrassment put together by Really Graceful (follow her!)
Now if we could just get her to do one on Utah's alleged Governor, Spencer Cox....

Mitt Romney created a toxic political culture in Utah like I never imagined possible. When he compared Trump to Hitler and called Trump supporters a dangerous threat he poisoned the hearts and minds of countless Latter Day Saints. It became so bad I left social media permanently and avoid talking about politics with uninformed people who become angry and even hostile if you speak truth. I have had co-workers, friends, and family members think Mitt Romney is wonderful and anyone who disagree with them or what they hear on KSL are extremists. I am not a Trump supporter just a Constitutionalist who speaks truth. Even church leaders will listen to anything Mitt Romney has to say about bills he thinks are good when they are contrary to the gospel on every level. When I first heard the theory years ago about Mitt Romney being the one to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy I could see the political idol worship at an all time high. I already knew Mitt Romney was a fraud and was involved in shenanigans. I believe what this man has done is truly demonic.

Mitt Romney is a Closet Commie who supported the Marxist Mob. Never forget that his father, George Romney, was used by the Viet Cong and Communist North Vietnamese to advance their political agenda in the United States. It seems to run in the family. Don't trust his children either.