White South African farmers say they're living in fear
Debate has been raging about whether white South African farmers deserve special attention under Australia's humanitarian visa program.
Like many issues in Australia, it is split along partisan lines.
Conservatives highlight horrendous violence suffered by farmers and say they would integrate well in Australia while progressives say the motivation is more about race.
According to police figures, 71 people were murdered on South African farms in the year to March 2017, but farmers say that figure
does not reflect the full extent of the violence.
Read more here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/201....8-04-12/white-south-

Attack on White and Black farmers are real and no conspiracy. I live in Bloemfontein and have been attacked 3 times in my life with a knife to my throat wit little injury to myself. I am one of the lucky ones, others paid with their lives on the Farms SA is very tense right now.