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While this video is dystopian and horrifying on its own, its worth nothing that 100% of all stem cells used in these types of experiments were extracted from aborted/miscarried fetuses, which

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 106 Views
Published on 04 Jun 2024 / In News and Politics

While this video is dystopian and horrifying on its own, its worth nothing that 100% of all stem cells used in these types of experiments were extracted from aborted/miscarried fetuses, which means that if abortion went away tomorrow and it was mandated by law that donating miscarried fetus's to SOYIENCE was just outright banned these little nightmarish creations would cease to exist.

They are entirely reliant on human sacrifice, even if we as a society are too sophistically warped and brain poisoned to call that particular spade a spade.

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