When You Think About Memorial Day, Think About This!!
US Troops Die For World Domination, Not Freedom
Remember Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket
Remember All Wars Are Banker's Wars
People always have to be lied to to go to war
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https://mewe.com/i/johnnyexodice Remember the {JON LEVI} where they had Radium Powered Cars not Electric......., and the Same "Principle" can be applied to these (Dreadnought) type Ships and Flying War Vessels in the skies of WORLD WAR ZERO!!! The Radioactive Symbol that means {Powered by Radium} +=+ in the PRE MUD FLOOD World.... $Johnnyexodice on your Cashapp!!!! [///|||\\\]

I was going to rip you a hole but you are already aware of what the military is used for apparently