When This 11 Year Old Wore Her Dress For Picture Day, The School’s Response Left Her In Tears
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Many of us have had that anxiety dream in which somehow we find ourselves naked at school. And even though it is not real, in our dream state it is mortifyingly embarrassing and deeply upsetting. But turning up to school in the “wrong” outfit can also lead to great distress – and one young girl from Montana knows exactly what that feels like for real.
Vegas is an 11-year-old pupil at Lockwood Schools Eileen Johnson Middle School in her hometown of Billings, Montana. They say that your schooldays are the best days of your life, but not so for Vegas in late September 2017 when she suffered the most terrible day at Lockwood. Unfortunately for her, it was all down to her choice of attire on that fateful day. And while to an outsider it might have looked like a perfectly fine outfit, it wasn’t so in the eyes of some.
September 28, 2017, was picture day at Lockwood. Picture day presents an opportunity for pupils and their families to have a photographic record of particular stages of their education. Naturally, then, students try and look their best for the camera. Which is why young Vegas picked out a brand-new dress to wear – a recent present from her sister.
So, that day, the pupil proudly wore her new gray dress with a pretty pink floral print to school. It was by no means a low-cut or high-hemmed item, either. Indeed, it featured a high neck, and the length of the garment reached down to the knee. To appear even more demure, Vegas had also tastefully chosen to accessorize her outfit with opaque black leggings.
Vegas and her family considered her suitably ready to have her school picture taken, then, but unfortunately not everyone was of the same opinion. All of a sudden, the young girl was pulled aside, and members of the school staff told her that she was not wearing appropriate clothing for the pictures. For her part, the confused pupil simply couldn’t understand what she had done wrong.
According to Vegas’ grandmother, Sandra Lynn Beeler Darling, the little girl was cited for a dress-code violation; Darling claimed the minor was found guilty of “showing her shoulders.” She went on to say that Vegas had previously attended school baring her shoulders and never been called up for it. But it seems that on this particular day she wasn’t going to get away with it.
Confusingly, though, the staff members did allow Vegas to appear in the pictures wearing the dress that had been deemed inappropriate. However, after the shots had been taken, staff called her parents. The school then asked them to bring in different clothes for their little girl to wear for the rest of the day.
The whole experience was very upsetting for Vegas, who was presumably excited to wear her new dress to school that morning. And unfortunately, she was so distraught when her outfit was called into question that she burst into tears. Thankfully, at least, Vegas’ grandmother was on hand to comfort the upset schoolgirl, and she captured her emotional reaction in a photograph.
Feeling outraged by the school’s actions, Darling then uploaded the picture of her granddaughter in tears to Facebook. The grandma also accompanied the photograph with a caption that inspired sympathy among her friends on the social media site. And it didn’t take long before the photograph of the devastated Vegas in her supposedly controversial dress attracted even more attention.
►Image credits:Image: Facebook/Sandra Lynn Beeler Darling
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