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[Wheel of Faith Mirror] Be careful who you fall In love with

njthemarksman - 368 Views
Published on 22 Oct 2023 / In News and Politics

[Wheel of Faith Mirror] Be careful who you fall In love with


I cannot and wouldn't dare try to fault this.

This beats ALL current "dating advice" by this current, fornicating society that loathes and fears marriage, loathes and fears the opposite sex, loves and bows and self-enslaves to money, and which has collectively abandoned Jesus Christ and embraced Adultery, Divorce, Consumer Sexuality, and various vices all in the name of being trendy and modern day.

Some have issues with Billy Graham, others love him; some believe him to have been a Freemason, Pro-Rome (Catholic), and a possible pedophile.. I recall reading some of that data in years past. But putting that aside for a moment (A broken clock is correct twice a day).

On the other hand you have the evangelist that God invested into Billy and used valiantly, and also in such a time as this outreach where this 100% nothing-held-back message on marriage is delivered. I hold it fundamentally and desperately needed by the under 39s today who are either wrecked by feelings-based relationships, sexually entrapped sinful lives without vows and matrimony, and the general horrors of the self-centred "me me me" existence that refuses to humble itself and SERVE their love, their spouse... and worst of all, refuses to submit to God as the constant overseer of that marriage.

I believe in this message Billy gives, for the sake of the beautiful truth of the message itself, irrespective of the vessel/instrument God saw fit to use to issue it.

Carnal lust is not a relationship, it is merely an experience to bond that which is the relationship closer to together, with great loving patience, charity and kindness, and a foundation built on unending, un-yielding perseverance and faithful prayer.

What Billy delivers here is dramatically the only message young people in #Dating #Marriage #RedPill #Hypergamy #Masculinity #Femininity circles need to hear today.

To observe, take hold of, and actively make it their defining standard when choosing to "fall in love" which sounds more like choosing who to remain with and fight for, irrespective of when you're feeling hot for them or feeling detached but refusing to break (because people make the marriage, not the circumstance: you vowed to one, not to place). Sure, the feels will come, but before you open your soul and allow chemistry to do its thing in your being... you need to be sure that your potential significant other has no idols or other breaking of the ten in their lives, and certainly follows Christ Jesus, not merely believes in a facsimile of Christ's existence.

As Billy said, so I've said many times: DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED, because doing so makes you and your "marriage" a joke full of trial and hardship.
Jesus said those who marry will have a rough go of it, for all its sweetness and precious nature... best way to seal yourself from most of the avoidable issues, is to choose based on their value as a Believer before assigning value on the carnal measures by which the carnal being decides.
At the same time, we're commanded to marry if we wish not to endure the carnal "burn" in our bodily members, because it is better to marry than to sin in the flesh or mind by the sin of fornication which inherits Death Eternal.

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