What The HEALTH Is This?
Why do they make it so easy to make fun of their agendas? I got a little more "involved" in this video to make my point.
This organization is not well-meaning. Don't let the "we just want to be healthy" message fool you.
Besides, anything with Lady Gaga in it is a dead give-away that it's globalist inspired :)
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..and please S U B S C R I B E + ring that notification “bell” 😁
+++ T H A N K Y O U +++
Anyone can paint that crap on a window. If is said, NO GMOs, NO Glyphosate, NO Fluoride, and No "cides". Only, All Natural Food, Drink and Spirits. Now that would really mean something!
you fekin rock goddess hell yeah!!!!!!
Best ad I have ever seen lmao to funny we need more ads like this