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What on earth is going on?

Daniel Newby
Daniel Newby - 936 Views
Published on 20 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

Coronafraud Update: Corporate Media Cabal Regurgitates Same Script

Are any of these corporate media outlets "independent"? Can you trust them to tell you the truth? Do you know who owns them? Do you know what motivates their owners? Do you know where they get their funding or what they must do to keep that funding?

No? Then why would you listen to them? Why do so many cower in fear and wet their pants over anything they supposedly "report"?

We all want to get along and feel like we're connected and responsible. But instead of doing that, we're listening to the worst human excrement and garbage imaginable, and the result will be division, destruction, ruin, and death.

Turn them off, appropriately ridicule them, and openly defy their, and their masters', absurd and outlandish demands. Tell the Branch Covidian Death Cultists to shove it. Create something better than their new perverse abnormal.

P.S. Feel free to research "Project Mockingbird."

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no0negun 4 years ago

Shows you a small sliver of how someone else gets to decide and report what they want you/us to hear and believe.
Freedom is dangerous and yet it is far less dangerous than the measures used to take our freedom.
Also, we’re not living in a democracy so why is the mainstream legacy media trying so frequently to tell us that we are?
Is there an advantage they gain if they convince people that we are living in a democracy as opposed to a Constitutional Republic?
Of course there is.

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Daniel Newby
Daniel Newby 4 years ago

They can always manipulate 50% +1 of the population and/or their "vote." Democracy assures the victory of their globalist, tribalist masters.

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Bodhi Searcher
Bodhi Searcher 4 years ago

Holy smokes, folks. Anyone wondering who decides what the news is going to be?

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