What Does Voter Fraud, Calls for Impeachment & Texas "turning blue" have to do with JIHAD?
The things you see on the news each day including thousands of "migrants" headed to the U.S. Southern border, voter fraud across the nation, calls for "Impeachment" of President Trump, are strategically tied to jihadi attacks in the United States and Americans must understand this if America is to win the war against the Jihadis and the Marxists.
All of these incidents as well as ongoing assaults on free speech, the assault on Christians, and the increase of Marxists being elected to office ARE NOT RANDOM EVENTS. These are LINES of Operation in the broader Marxist Counter-State strategy. The Marxists Counter-State works with, coordinates with, and directly supports the Islamic Counter-State here in the U.S.
All of these things, just like every jihadi attack in the U.S., and every lawsuit by Islamic organizations against the President and U.S. citizens working to keep their families safe, are a part of a coordinated and intentional strategy by the Jihadis and Marxists to destroy American culture and overthrow the Republic.
As such, each of these actions should be resisted and fought by every American at all levels of the society.
Join Understanding the Threat (UTT), the only organization in America giving tools to citizens, police, and local/state officials to identify and dismantle these hostile networks at the local level.
Help us take the fight to the enemy and put freedom back on the offensive where it belongs.
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