What Blinds the Mind
What Blinds the Mind
I. Age-
II. Arrogance-
III. Anger-
Conclusion: What Blinds the Mind?
Immature handling of age.
If you are a child, don’t rebel but, receive instruction.
If you are an adult, don’t act childish.
Arrogance is a suicidal attempt to self-destruct,
don’t be puffed up.
Like alcohol, Anger is an undefined line of ever-increasing intoxication till rage blinds a man to reason.
Notes: https://www.slideshare.net/wed....biblestudy/what-blin

Can I add another passage which seems particularly appropriate to the insanity that is presently gripping the world. "And for this reason, God will send upon them a strong deluding influence, so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth but took pleasure in wickedness". NASB 2 Thess. 2:11-12. Those who reject "The love of the truth" (vs 10), will be deceived by Satan ...and God. There is no place in modern theology for such Godly intervention. Yet the Bible clearly tells us that "God is not mocked". He can blind, harden hearts and send catastrophes to punish wicked behaviour and achieve His objectives.