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What's Ailing the World with Guylaine Lanctot Thu Sep 04

PowerTo ThePeople
PowerTo ThePeople - 217 Views
Published on 15 Feb 2021 / In Health

Guest for today is Guylaine Lanctot, MD
At eighteen, I wanted to become a philosopher. However, I didn’t believe “thought” contributed much to the well-being of humanity, so I opted instead for a profession which, to my way of thinking, could make a difference, medicine.
I practised it for over twenty years, although, whenever I could, I set aside one day a week for “thought”. Three subjects were of particular on-going interest to me: medicine, politics, and spirituality.
In medicine, I sought unlimited health. I was convinced that everyone could be in perfect health and that it could be achieved at minimal cost.
In politics, I wanted to decentralise power; to put it back into the hands of those to whom it belongs, the people.
As for spirituality, I searched for the absolute. I discovered the world of the invisible and its precedence over the visible world.
I travelled down many roads, teaching, writing books and articles, reporting, giving lectures and holding workshops. I also founded an association for business women. All the while, I pursued my medical activities, specialising in the field of phlebology. I established a number of treatment centres in Canada and in the USA. I came to understand the real inner workings of the health industry.
All this travel and experimentation made me realise that the only solution was individual sovereignty; the supreme authority lies within and each is sovereign and idessic.
I stopped fighting the authorities. I stopped trying to change the system, or the world for that matter. I stopped trying to play the role of a saviour. I learned to change myself and to obey my soul/conscience. I came to the conclusion that true idessity is inherent to us all as individuals. The original vibration which created the universe is within each person. I called it Idessa.

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