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We knew the TRUTH would come out BUT THIS IS WORSE!

Buck The System
Buck The System - 847 Views
Published on 03 Jan 2022 / In Non-profits and Activism

FINALLY - ITS ALL COME OUT! Covid19 is NOT ONLY a bioweapon- they put HIV/AIDS in it AND its designed to KEEP REPLICATING into over 180+ variants to bypass the Vaccine.... AND mRNA and the spike proteins are designed to damage the body and destroy the autoimmune system.
The MORE MASS vaccinations that are done -
THE MORE that 'Viral Immune Escape' happens.

A Lecture from Trinidad and Tobago by Dr. Michael McDowell on August 14, 2021

Sadly The Evidence is hemorrhaging. Covid 19 is a Bioweapon.

HIV/AIDS was engineered into its deadly brew.

Covid Bio-Weapon Vaccines are REPLICATING into more then 180 variants.

MRNA and its spike proteins damage the body and shut down the autoimmune system.

22 Nations have BSL4 Labs. ( Bio Safety Level 4 = highest level of bio safety ). In these labs they make deadly pathogens. 16 nations stockpile Bio-Weapons. A new Arms Race is now going on.

In 1996 Dr. Leonard Horowitz published his book titled — "Emerging Viruses, AIDS & Ebola, Natural or Intentional”, giving evidence that AIDS & Ebola were manufactured.

Dr. Francis Boyle. Expert on Genetic Bio Weapons and International Law.

He Framed the Bio-Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act ( BWATA ). Passed in 1990, under George W. Bush.

He Said in February 2020 that -- "SARS Covid 2 is an Offensive Biological Warfare Agent”.

“It was made in a Lab”. "It was engineered with Gain of Function properties”.

SARS was combined with an HIV-Virus. It was Engineered for “efficient spreading”.

“Accelerated Viral Evolution”.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Labs. Fort Dietrick Labs. Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology grants.

HIV is a Retro Virus using MRNA to inject toxins into cells. It causes Retro Integration where MRNA, converts back into DNA.

Boyle calls it “the most dangerous biological weapon ever released”.

Fauci’s e-mails. Lies, contradictions, vacillations.

Dr. Charles Leiber -- head of Biology & Chemical Biology at Harvard University trained graduate students making genetic bioweapons.

Two of his students were arrested December 2019 at Logan International Airport, trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological material to Wuhan, China.

Dr. Charles Lieber was latter arrested by the FBI on January 20, 2020, for espionage with China.

Leiber was a consultant on the BSL4 lab in Wuhan, China and was paid $150 million. He then received $50,000 a month, from China. Anglo-Aisan Complicity.

All Covid Vaccines on the Market — Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenica, Johnson and Johnson, are Genetic MRNA Vaccines. They are not “normal” vaccines that we all grew up with. These are all ‘New technology, never before used”. They are “Frankenstine Technology”.

“You are having a Bio Weapon injected into you”.

“The spike protein is Pathogenic”. “It will Damage you.”

A possible “Decimation of Humanity”.

“Viral Immune Escape” through Mass Vaccination creates Variants.

“Vaccine Induced Antibodies” also “shut down your innate immune system”.

“The Vaccinated become defenseless against Variants.”

We are no longer in a Covid Pandemic. We are in a Pandemic of Variants.

Dr. Peter McCulloh says there are not enough letters in the alphabet to name the Variants.

Over 100 variants now floating around. Some say 180. If a Super Variant arrises, nothing will be able to stop it.

Dr. Vanden Bosh warns, “IF we do not stop mass Vaccinations immediately all around the world, the world will experience an international Catastrophe of Mass Mortality.”

“The Vaccinated, are A THREAT to US ALL !!”

Follow the Money. In 1997 a Pharmaceutical Law was passed, called -- The Direct To Consumer Law (DTC Law). Pharmaceutical Companies now became allowed to Advertise Directly to the Public on Mass Media. The Result was: Billions in Advertising pored into the media, effectively allowing them to Own and Control the Media.

The Pharmaceutical Industry also controls the World Health Organization WHO.

67% of WHO funding comes from Big Pharma.

They also Control all major Medical Research Journals, Medical Schools, Health Authorities, Legislatures, and Sadly Ecclesiastical Leaders.

“The Elite and the Ecclesiastical have joined hands”. “They have Decided to Vaccinate the entire world”.

"Real Science is Suppressed and Censored. We are not Following the Science, We are Following the MONEY. I see Giants of the Church have fallen. The State is controlling the Medical Apparatus of the Nation. Are We Still in a Democracy?"

The “Death Graph” Shows the current number of people who have died from the Vaccine since April 2021. It shows a dramatic Death Spike of only 4 months. (Today there should be many more then this video shows).

This data has been buried, banned, and ignored by the Media, and Social Media.

He Closes with Bible messages of Noah, Daniel, Esther, Shadrach, Abednego, and then with David and Goliath. He says, “Don’t worry about the size of your Opponent, Worry about the size of your God!!”

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