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We Are Change LA on Alex Jones Tv:Confronting General Richard Myers About 9/11

Published on 07 Aug 2018 / In News and Politics

On May 20, 2009, General Richard Myers was at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to give a talk and a book signing. Bruno Bruhwiler and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA were there to call into question the Generals credibility when it came to talking about 9/11 and threats to the nation. Watch the following 3 videos, created by Paul Wittenberger, to see what happened. All Ill tell you for now is that towards the end of his speech, Myers said, Im sorry about the disturbance. If I had anything to do with causing that, I apologize. Well, I guess you could consider that the small step of a criminal towards owning up to and doing penance for his participation in treason, mass murder and war crimes.

The American military is built to dominate all phases and mediums of combat. We must acknowledge that our way of war requires superiority in all mediums of conflict, including space. Thus, we must plan for, and execute to win, space superiority. [Foreign Service Journal, 4/2001]

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