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    WATCH: Tucker exposes scrubbed video of Chinese professor saying they have people at top of America

    Jess Sosnoski
    Jess Sosnoski - 1,475 Views
    Published on 08 Dec 2020 / In

    WATCH: Tucker exposes scrubbed video of Chinese professor saying they have people at top of America

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

    I don’t need nor want any more RABBIT HOLES at the end of an Age

    It would be preposterous and irresponsible too give the worlds remaining population TV LIES when we are so close to the Next Cataclysmic Event that will Reset this world to the days of Noah RETURNED once more… However, since we are in PURGATORY……., and Purgatory is but The MEMORY of what happened to we The People of PLANET EARTH where The Angels fell from Heaven, and Lucifer was one of these Many STARS in the Night Sky, you would be amiss to think you could stay alive in the D.U.M.B.S. from the Book of REVELATION praying to your false gods that I Christ Jesus RETURNED would and will NOT have my Vengeance and Revenge for what you People with eyes that Go SOLID BLACK did to me: nailing me to the Cross as Punishment for Speaking TRUTH to the FREE MASON Lodges of the “United Nations” INTERNATIONAL MAFIA known as this {NEWS} World Order where no matter what flag flies where I live, the TV Screens “only” Spread Misinformation and Malfeasance!!!

    Now too be certain` our Celestial Sphere is that Dead Moon the World Leaders of these U.N. FLAGS say we sent a Man to the Moon where the God Apollo THE EAGLE BLOOD LINE Landed on this Moon with the help and Trickery and Treats of these FAKE JEWS known as the SNAKE BLOOD LINE of and for Hollywood FX Special Illusion Effects!!! However, any one whom knows about JADE HELM 15 knows the delusion of Fake Space is no longer our “only” concern when OUR Sky, or DOME OF THE ROCK has a RIFT in the Heavens, and that Lucifer the True RED DEMON aka RED DRAGON fell from the Sky or Heaven if you like when [we the people] of Science, and Literature used Trillion Watt Lazers to RIP OPEN the Heavens in an attempt to escape Judgment Day that we have done over, and over, and over in this Judgment called The “Oraborus” Curse…..., where WE SEE what the MASONS did to we the {nonmason populations} in their attempt too leave our Home World PLANET EARTH no matter that they are Slicing the Sky Open once more, was and is what caused we the DEAD DEAD DEAD too scream: The Sky is Falling!!!

    No one wants to talk about these Chem Trails doing CORPORATE Capitalism TOXIC WASTE Dumps into our skies as the true cause of (COVID19), and that there is no Vaccine “Cures” for all The Chemicals WE THE PEOPLE are breathing and “drinking” as Filth is poured into our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, and Drinking Water from Dish Washing Detergents, to Laundry Detergents, to all the Clothing “Chemicals” from MADE IN INDIA to MADE IN CHINA, and when you keep mixing more, and more, and more deadly Chemicals from all the WEAPONS of MADE IN THE USA….., you’m do end up with this {Toxic Stew} that Every Prophet in the Old Testament used the Word ISRAEL to mean “All People” on this FLAT EARTH Two Sides of As Above So Below inner earth reality… Look at the Sun!!!! The Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation!!! Look at your children whom can [no longer] breath cause you, and their LUNGS are filled with Chemicals from all the “Over Production” of Computers and Cell Phones and Bombs Bombs Bombs…

    You see, I do not need your appreciation, or approval for the things I speak, and teach for anyone with any {lick of sense} would tell you a Little Poison will not Kill You…., but Tons and Tons and Tons of Poisons in your Filthy Trash does… Too any children’ whom know someone 50 years or older: Ask these Older People, do you REMEMBER when the Sun was Yellow.?.?.?, and that you could see this YELLOW SUN with your own eyes.?.?.?.?, as the SUN we the children see in 2020 A.D. is a Pale White Sun with no [NOURISHMENT] cause our Skies are filled with TOXIC WASTE DUMPS from our throw a way lives where Styrofoam and Plastics are the reason humanity does die out in 2094 C.E. and as our Towns Leadership…….., and their FREE MASON {Lodge Members} seek to INJECT us with Magic Potions called Alchemist Pharmaceuticals to put we “Children” Back to Sleep, this will not STOP our Sun, and Moon, and the Stars from going DARK in the Book of REVELATION…

    Johnny Exodice

    To you my people of Pak-Toe…. Your Governments have failed you, Your Religions have played you, and we all will [die out] in 2094 C.E. as we have done OVER AND OVER forever and ever in the Gospels Teaching of Hell and Hades and The World of the Dead: for YOUR Companies and Corporations that laid you off work for [A LIE AGREED UPON] have always played God with your lives sending you’m off to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is Wrong and Against The LAWS of your God, and Gods, so do tell me this {young people} whom have to wear Their “MASK” too hide Their Shame of what The Racka called THEY LIVE have done to you…. Will you return to these Prison Schools in Jaunuary 2021 C.E., or will you “run away” too see what you can of this world before the STORMS of Trump and Biden come to kill we all: long before 2094 C.E. as there is too much TOXIC WASTE now in the air “we all breath” called POLLUTION….

    The Society of nonmason~

    Blame the COMPANIES, and Their Masonic CORPORATIONS on the Stock Markets from the BANKS that Fund These “Wars” that kill, and murder, and rape your Moms and Dads in continual Corporate Wars….

    The Sentinel…. Aka Christ Jesus RETURNED….

    The Old Testament is just MEMORIES of every WAR is Murder, and the New Testament is all about FREE MASON and how these “Tax Collectors” OPPRESS we their Fellow nonmason Tax Paying Citizens….

    The Commander~


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