Watch Ruby Freeman & Her Daughter Commit Election Fraud Right In Front Of Your Eyes!
It can't be anymore obvious! How dumb can you be? Knowing your being filmed because you looked dead at the camera 3+ times and then not even try to conceal the item whatsoever. 😂😂 What a joke! You could have at least used that Chick-fil-A sandwich bag, but then again this entire election/voter fraud didn't have an ounce of common sense! 😂😂 Have fun in jail! Maybe next time!
Just an important note to you guys, I have been taking a huge risk to my channel, I never wanted to bring politics to my channel because of the strong divide and I will continue my other videos on the Watts case etc., but if your a loyal subscriber of mine and understand how compassionate I am then you should know I am a truth teller, I stand up for what is right and I go hard. I cannot keep my mouth shut about this very despicable CRIME, this is A VERY SERIOUS CRIME believe it or not. It does not matter which side you are on THIS IS NOT RIGHT, and if your okay with this then you are extremely brainwashed. This is a slap in the face to OUR Democracy! Thank you to those who have stuck by my side and are also defending for what's right, because this is OUR COUNTRY!
This video is for educational purposes
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#PollWatcher #StopTheSteal #VoterFraud

Traitors hang by the neck. Repulsive pos breeding this garbage... selling out humanity for a shiny new car. You can’t let one slip by.