#WarRoom: TX Gov. Confirms Child Sex Abuse & Neglect of Children Crossing Southern Border
The WarRoom (Full Show) - Commercial Free - 4-8-21
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forbidding office before and after mandate is way to avoid corruption
bureaucrats do not need income, it is ending...
with mandate only meant to end government and no other purpose
bureaucrats are useless like buckingham and everybody knows it, they do not produce anything and spend cash that they do not own
buckingham is sick because people do not need leader

tony blair at morgan is remote commission rewarding 10 years governmental corruption

blythe-soetoro-w-hewitt-biden wealth is not linked to business success and commercial victory but to governmental office rental whitened by shell mi6 agencies like foundations, att, penguin, comcast, hsbc ...

... hitler becoming saxe-gotha becoming windsor becoming hewitt becoming fayed becoming netflix : mi6 passport

this is why they need many passports made by mi6 and cia to hide cash like epstein with english-american-austrian-saudi passports
prescott becoming herbert becoming walker becoming bush and pearse becoming percy becoming pierce becoming peirce
hubbell becoming rodham becoming blythe becoming clinton
dunham becoming soebarkha becoming soetoro becoming obama