#WarRoom HR1: DOJ & FBI To Be Unleashed On Trump Supporters After False Flag Capitol Attack
The WarRoom Show (Hour 1) - Commercial Free - 1-12-21
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As I Told you, we are to learn Sorcery, not just play with it, and in the OUTER LIMITS on Roku the 1963 to 1965 the 1st Episode had KXKVI on that RADIO STATION: all but the [Letter K] +=+ are in our ROMAN Calculations as to the PROPER TIME LINE of this Celestial Sphere Home World of the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere where I have explained TIME TRAVEL is "ripping" our Father Earth and Mother Heaven, and since the highest number in ROMAN Numerology and Gemontria is M for every 1,000 YEARS then K can only be every 10,000 Years...
Like it or NOT when you add up KXKVI in ROMAN Era: you will get the True Date of how many times we have done {MUD FLOOD RESETS} here in Purgatory!!!!
The Commander~
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
M = 1,000
K = 10,000
We Are in the Year 21,051 of the PROPER TIME LINE and we have been repeating to 1893 from 2094 divided into that...
The Oracle for the END of an Age, but not the NEXT ONE if we do not {fix Purgatory} and STOP all these FREE MASON Lodge Member Lies agreed upon for this fucking TIME LOOP their De-Ja-Vu Oraborus Curse: about Fake Space, and the Fake (COVID19) Common Cold called Corona being used as a WEAPON on all T.V. Screens:
known as PROJECT BLUE BEAM of Agenda 21 + Agenda 30...
The Society of nonmason~ † ///|||\\ Ω