Warning about Rebel News COVID and the controlled opposition they represent
This is to wake folks up to the fact Rebel News is hiding the biggest story of the year!!

Hi Edward. I'm in awe every single day. I can see the corruption around us clear as day, and when I talk about it, I'm labelled as paranoid. Most of my family has dismissed me as weak minded and a conspiracy theorist. I have lost friends because of how vocal I am about my disbelief about what is happening.
I wish people could wake up and see the communist-style takeover that is happening all around us.
Unfortunately, I believe we are past the point of no return, as this takeover has been slowly building up over the past several decades. Slow enough that even the most astute minds wouldn't have taken notice.
So the question is, where do we go from here? Democracies throughout history have risen and fallen, are we to believe we are any better than those?
I know this comes of pessimistic - but it's about time "blissful ignorance" takes a run off a cliff.
We're the ultra small minority in a sea of the brainwashed masses.

imagine how brain dead and dummified society is ...over 3000 views and only two comments to reply to this shocking articulate revelation of the truth,,,,

Why are you not bringing this to the authorities. Stand up if you have so much knowledge of this issue .