Vodaphone Boss whistleblower testifies of the correlation of 5G and Covid19 killings
For most of us know since 5G so called 'accidentally' first got made publicly available just at the time of the outbreak of Corona19 in Wuhan many of us knew it wasn’t a Chinese virus and definitively had something to do with the 5G appearing at the same time. Many whistleblowers came online and told us anything from the dangers of radiation to the science behind it but still many wouldn’t believe it. Then we had all of a sudden many people who helped install it falling ill and doing their story, it took a while till higher whistleblowers as Barry from the MOD in the UK admitted and explained their testing and usage of it, till also people like in this clip came forward: Former Boss of Vodaphone who herewith explain the pure evilness and satanic use of it to kill millions of us people with the radiation which we are not prepared for and is the perfect helping and covering hand for a so called Pandemie who broke out thanks to it.

This is some of the most important information to start coming out having to do with the whole covid issue, and depopulation plans of the UN agenda 21/25. You can expect there will be lots of spammers trying to distract and deter anyone that may be watching or looking..... this is NOT, and HAS NOT been the kind of information they want getting out...

Hey FYI on or about 6:58 minute mark - 7: 49-50 min audio completely blanks out.