Viruses do not cause disease: Virus Deception History, Dr Robert Willner 1994
Viruses do not cause disease: Virus Deception History, Dr Robert Willner 1994
Allopathic "medicine" has been a scam for a long time, and it was always meant to lead to the covid/mark of the beast vaccine scam.
Dr Robert Willner, author of the famous book "Deadly Deception", proved that viruses do not cause disease. He supported the Terrain theory and debunked the idea that sex and HIV do not cause AIDS. "The Bubonic plague killed half the population of Europe. The question you must ask and must answer, if you are going to be a rational thinking Human being is why didn't it kill the other half? In United States, in 1919, 18 million people died of the flu. My question is why didn't it kill the other 92 million die? The answer to that and every reporter owes it to their readers is very simple, the bugs do not cause the disease, unless there is a suitable terrain. So the answer to all disease is not to take the shotgun and blow a Human being apart, but to simply prevent the disease to begin with, by living at peace and in harmony, not only with your fellow Human beings, but every organism on this planet."
mirrored from:

Houston Methodist doctor who is standing up for "right to try" and "off label" use of ivermectin. She has treated over 2,000 for covid, none hospitalized. Methodist hospital revoked her hospital privileges. Search youtube video id KVwm-KJvGzk and listen what she says. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

A little YEAST raises the Whole Dough, and a Little Poison destroys the whole soul...
It is not what you do with the {Out Side} Qballs~ /-\ of The CUP that denies you to our God, it is what you put inside the [Chalice] /_\ that makes or destroys your palace being these TEMPORARY Flesh, and Blood, and Bones: Body Temple Avatars my Angels and Demons filled with thoughts in your minds…
So, it is NOT what you put on the OUT SIDE of the Food Product called Packaging and Wrapping that kills you, and makes your children sick, it is what are those (CHEMICALS) of Medications "placed" in my Food and Drink by them CORPORATIONS Products in your NON-MASON Kitchen Sinks!!!!
Whence all CORPORATIONS conspire for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME to kill off as many NON-MASON in 2022 from another TIME LINE to take our world in this TIME as a Military Militant Invasion of Suits and Ties and Skirts from Another TIME where Information is a "Fantasy" by the Malfeasance of the INTERNATIONALIST Capitalist (Fantasist) [{**}] on these CORPORATION Television Screens and SCREAMS' where The People we EMPLOY be it our {Local Police) [{*}] to our Local Government have all Betrayed their OATH OF OFFICE` because they have all been "replaced" by Time Androids from 2045 CE and 2077 CE thence you N.O.W. know in the Days of Noah it was NOT Our God whom destroys our Real Home World; it was our Children born of Today whom Rejected our God for MONEY and GREED and WAR GAMES of I can Do Murder too my fellow Mankind if I but Say: Your Flag is NOT my FLAG, and then the U.N. Troops can shoot {you and me} dead Dead DEAD because the UNITED NATIONS Denies the [God] of the Holy Living Bible to Worship a God of Death known as (Perdition) not knowing that too is the Same God of all Angels and Demons in these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Mortal "Corporeal" Esoteric Mind SET'S [inside] the Cup of a Poor Man too the food packaging of a Rich Wombman…
The Chemical MEDICATIONS in our Food from Fast Food to Can Food to all the Bio-engineered HUMAN 3D Printed Organic ALT-MEAT Matter is what would be that "little bit" of Poison you take in day after day, and year after year, and Decade Upon Decade, and you (wonder) +=+ why you have Diabetes – Depression - Cancers – Anxiety, and all these Birth Defects to you and your Children.?.?.?
Your Harm and your Hurt are the {SIDE EFFECTS} of the Medications these Corporate CEO's that are all 33rd Degree FREE MASON Grand Lodge LEADERS whom put "Poisons" into your non-mason food and drink, and because you'm [TRUST] what ever these CORPORATE TV Companies SAY......., you TAKE YOUR PILLS even when you don’t know the "Pills" Ingredients have been (poured) into the Food and Drink you eat making your babies have Autism, and your Old have Alzheimer's and Dementia done to you because your {LOCAL GOVERNMENT} that you do so too employ NON-MASON are all FREE MASON Lodge Members working for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 till you non-mason in your LOCAL POPULATIONS are all taken away by [JADE HELM 15] because you and your children are NON-MASON........., and your Local Leadership from the Town (Religions) to the Town "Collages" are all run and controlled by that FREE MASON Lodge in your Home Towns as U.N. Troops in your LOCAL POLICE UNIFORMS…
Why do you think NON-Mason there is so much Chemical Cheap Food to kill you and your children in the USA USA USA and all other Poorly fed NON-Mason Populations.?.?.?
Because you NON-MASON Tax Paying Populations [don’t ask] HOW MUCH Medication aka Ingredients is in this Food Product and Sweet RED 40 Soda Pop, and how (STRONG) is this or that Chemical in the Foods and Liquids my LOCAL "SUPERMARKET" that youm sell to me too eat and drink {making me die} and my children die sooner then they should because WE ARE non-mason, and the Grocery Store OWNERS are FREE MASON Lodge Member Corporation Capitalist INTERNATIONALIST with all their Lies Agreed Upon to kill and murder all NON-MASON where any NON-MASON Might live aka Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030???
Your Local Town and Village "Elders" are FREE MASON Lodge Members where you live on this FLAT EARTH in this Celestial Sphere of PURGATORY know exactly what is making you sick NON-MASON...
it is the Chemicals of {Alchemy and Sorcery} called Voo Doo:
added to the Food and Juices you eat and drink, and your LOCAL Government (does) nothing about it because YOUR LOCAL Government is that FREE MASON Lodge in your HOME TOWN, and those people and children that attend it` while they live the Good Life with GOOD MONEY' you non-mason give to them in Taxes and Religion "Donations" so the FREE MASON Lodge Member can buy the {Food and Drink} that is safe while letting you whom attend their RELIGIONS, and attended their PUBLIC SCHOOLS die of stupidity as all [NON-MASON] Should in the eyes of these FREE Mason lodges whom Worship SATAN from the Book of Revelation in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME till judgement day in 2094 CE and you LOCAL Populations do nothing about them!!!!!
Because you FEAR The FREE MASON known as this Game and Shame of whom done what as The Wheat, and The Tares here in Purgatory in 2022 CE, and you Public Schooled (NON-Mason) Tax Paying CITIZENS were never supposed too learn: how to look up "Chemicals" in those fucking Big Words too [know] how to READ LABELS on the back of Food Packaging and see what these "Medications" are in your Food and Drink are actually doing to you because you want a {$1.00 Burger} or fried product of ALT MEAT Bio-engineered [Chicken Nuggets] filled with just a Little Poison these CORPORATIONS say won't kill you, but over time all them $1.00 food products become {Tons of Poison} in you and your children's Flesh, and Blood, and Bones making you all RETARDED and Dumb non-mason Populations of this World and this Time Line!!!
Also so the Chemicals aka MEDICATION in your FOOD and DRINK can have DEADLY Side Effects with these (COVID-19) Vaccinations and Pills dropping you and your children for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 dead Dead DEAD NON-MASON!!!!
Francisco 7 ?