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Video of a man just after he smashed the AutoZone window with a hammer (Minnesota Riot)

The Second Renaissance
The Second Renaissance - 2,163 Views
Published on 28 May 2020 / In Film and Animation

Here's a video of a man just after he smashed the AutoZone window with a hammer early in the evening yesterday. This was the first business to be set on fire. In the video people who witnessed him break the window try to confront him but he gets very aggressive and walks quickly away. He is clearly not one of the regular protestors and it looks like he was on a mission to incite violence and looting and then get out.
Noticed how he's dressed on one of the hottest days of the month. Set Up not the first time the government instigates a riot

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brightfame7 5 years ago

He was a Soro's soldier of chaos...He is the one who initiates the mayhem. Once he bust out the windows it opens the door for looting and vandalism. They sneak in and out usually unnoticed, yet in this case someone focused on the guy and his strange behavior. He busted out glass and walks away...doesn't loot the store. Then he becomes irritated when he is followed and on video. These people are used to ignite the fire & to fan the flames.

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