Vaccine To Kill US All
Covid-19 Vaccine is Not Vaccine it is Microchip implant to Control US & Kill US All
The Laws of Countries cannot pass a law saying vaccines or any shots are Mandatory BECAUSE OF THE NUREMBERG LAWS, PUT IN PLACE BECAUSE OF THE NAZIS MAKING GUINEA PIGS OUT OF POPULATIONS...HOWEVER Private businesses or employers can make it mandetory,,,, all it’s going to take is for those companies to get sued.
I believe the first shots will just kill the elderly with health issues,,, the sickly,,,, then when people get used to it, BAMMMM! They will then kill off the majority,,,,, I believe they will target groups for death and sterilization.
thank you for posting this vid. i've seen some of these people guest on the highwire. thats where the rabbit hole started for me and i have followed del for years. this is nothing but pure evil coming our way. I'm no scientist but things didn't seem to add up with me about the excuse for rampant autism. Now seeing where this is going it's almost as if it's the cleanup crew coming to get the "bad apples" out.