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Vaccinated man gettting bluetooth requests - is HE now connective?

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 2,092 Views
Published on 21 May 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

"Everywhere I go, everything is trying to connect to me"
Wow. So we've seen on video:
- magnets sticking to the 'vaccine' site
-metal detectors going off
-emf detectors going off
-stud finders going off
-NOW this...bluetooth pairing request to connect to AstraZeneca (which of course is one of the covid vaccine companies) Can anyone else confirm this or the other items above? We've had plenty of proof that magnets stick...What about the rest?

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JamesRoss 4 years ago

Cult fake bluetooth connect.
The brainchip is covertly installed by the medical mafia in the middle of the night while sleeping. The vax just gets them sick and becomes an excuse to bio-robot them into fake zombies that eat people.

Solution: extract brainchip and no more zombie
shut down all wifi and cellular towers... then all the zombies are no longer connected to the communications grid.

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