V8, Redding Beginning Reloading, 38 Special, Redding Model No. 2, How to Read and Adjust Your Scale
V8, Redding Beginning Reloading, 38 Special, Redding Model No. 2, How to Read and Adjust
Highboy Nation: Join Highboy Nation so you can stay up to date on all live stream reloading workshop schedules and live stream talk show schedules: https://76highboyreloading.com/
76Highboy Reloading Community Facebook Group: This is a group where you can ask questions to information pertaining to guns and reloading. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2011421259076530/
Independence Indoor Shooting: https://www.iishooting.com/
Idaho Guns: https://www.idahogunstore.com/
Brownells: http://bit.ly/2HNNHlQ
Redding Model No. 2 Powder and Bullet Scale: http://bit.ly/2ugRguH
Redding Big Boss II Pro Pak Reloading Kit: http://bit.ly/2JLRoNh
Redding Big Boss Pro Pak Deluxe Reloading Kit: http://bit.ly/2yliu8E
For this video I unbox the Redding Model No. 2 Powder and Bullet Scale and I calibrate it to zero. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy
DISCLAIMER ***WARNING*** I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL. My videos are to be used SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! I have no intentions on selling the viewer product. The products I use are based off my preference and are exactly what the viewer would find in my personal walk in life. I don’t care what other people load on. The guns I shoot are the guns I prefer. I don’t care what you shoot. Seek professional firearm training before handling any firearm and, I am not a professional. Verify all load data from your own reloading manual before attempting reloading. Never let anybody shoot your reloads. Never shoot someone else’s reloads. Do not acquire load data from social media or word of mouth. Never acquire load data from a source that you cannot verify. When assembling reloading equipment always follow the provided instructions. If you have no instructions contact the company and many times they can provide support. If the company no longer exists and you are unsure I recommend purchasing new equipment. I do not recommend altering any cartridge from its original design or purpose. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own actions. I am not responsible if you hurt yourself and I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL!!!
UGETube.com… Utah Gun Exchange: https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/ Utah Gun Exchange
Idaho Guns: https://www.idahogunstore.com/
Independence Indoor Shooting: https://www.iishooting.com/
Redding Reloading: http://redding-reloading.com/
Dillon Precision Reloading: https://www.dillonprecision.com/
Inline Fabrication: https://inlinefabrication.com/
Western Powders: https://www.westernpowders.com/
Montana X-Treme: http://www.montanaxtreme.com/
Oregon Trail Bullet Company: https://www.oregontrailbullet.com/
Starline Brass: https://www.starlinebrass.com/
Ammo Brass: https://www.ammobrass.com/
BRAVO Company USA: http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/
BCM: https://bravocompanymfg.com/
PlastiXrevolution: https://www.plastixrevolution.net/
Little Crow Gunworks: https://littlecrowgunworks.com/?v=7516fd43adaa
Gorilla Ammo: http://bit.ly/2rNy8TD

thanks for the link . and the fb group . im ron w on youtube .