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US False Flag Attack on Nord Stream Pipeline Rocks World! – THURSDAY FULL SHOW 02/09/23

Infowars - 212 vistas
212 vistas
Publicado en 13 Feb 2023 / En Noticias y Política

US False Flag Attack on Nord Stream Pipeline Rocks World! – THURSDAY FULL SHOW 02/09/23

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gang 2 años hace

dalai lama was pretendig to be "king of tibet" with jude stolen passport in pocket

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gang 2 años hace

franks come for egypt and greece,
paris is son of priam,
priam is son of menes ... as minos

pan-nonia means nine city-states :
Athens (1796–86 BC)
Chalcis (? – 146 BC)
Corinth (700 BC–146 BC)
Eretria (? – 146 BC)
Massalia (600–49 BC )
Sparta (900s– 146 BC)
Syracuse (734–212 BC)
Taras (706-201 BC)
Thebes (? – 146 BC)

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gang 2 años hace

"Medieval sources based on lost Roman works suggest that the Franks came from Pannonia (eastern Hungary-western Yugoslavia), but moved west to the Rhine. [Gregory] They settled along the Rhine River"

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Blakely Genevieve
Blakely Genevieve 2 años hace

I’ve made 64,000 usd so far this year doing online work and I’m a full-time student. q140 I’m taking advantage of an online business opportunity that I’ve heard has made me a lot of money. It’s really easy to use and I’m so glad
I discovered it…w­w­w.j­o­b­s­r­e­v­e­n­u­e.c­o­m

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